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Enmore Memorial Hall - Photo by Teresa Davis



Enmore Parish Council meets every other month starting in January on the first Tuesday of the month.  Unless otherwise stated, the starting time is 7.30 pm and the meeting will be held in Enmore Memorial Hall, which is adjacent to Enmore Park Golf Course (Hall postcode is TA5 2AN).


In May there is an extra meeting, normally on the last Tuesday in the month, to accommodate the Parish Council Annual Meeting and the Annual Parish Assembly and this starts at 7.30 pm. The public are invited to attend all meetings and may participate at the beginning of the meeting in public question time when they can bring up issues of concern and importance to Parishioners.


Members of the public may also comment, at the Chairman's discretion, on planning applications both for and against any proposed development. The Chairman manages the meetings under the guidance of the adopted Standing Orders and Code of Conduct. Members of the Public may not contribute to the rest of the business meeting unless invited by the Chairman on a point of clarity or specialised knowledge.

Future Meeting Dates

Tuesday 4th March 2025 starting at 6.30 pm
Tuesday 6th May 2025
Tuesday 1st July 2025
Tuesday 2nd September 2025
Tuesday 4th November 2025

The date for the 2025 Parish Assembly will be confirmed but is expected to be the second Tuesday evening of May.

Papers for next meeting

The agenda for for the next meeting will be available a few days ahead.  Please note the earlier start time of 6.30 pm.

Most recent finance report and accounts here.


Agendas are published and posted in the village notice boards at least 3 clear days before Council meetings, as well as being posted on the Enmore Parish Council website.

Members of the public are welcome to submit agenda items they wish to be discussed but these must be emailed/ posted to the Clerk at least 7 days prior to the meeting. Only items on the Agenda can be discussed at the Parish Council meeting.

Unless an extra meeting is called for a specific purpose, Council meeting agendas will include Apologies, Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, a Finance report and discussion of any current planning applications.  The agenda for the next meeting will be published on this page.  Please note that members of the public normally attend as observers rather than participants for items other than planning applications.



Debbie McIlroy - Administrative Clerk

Wind Whistle, Enmore, Bridgwater


Telephone: 01278 456964


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